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Who am I ?

Jacques EHRLICH, Research Director Emeritus at IFSTTAR (French institute of sciences and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks), I am a self employer consultant in the fields of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) since July 1st, 2014. I have been the deputy director (1999-2007) and the director (2007-2014) of the LIVIC (Laboratory on Vehicle Infrastructure and Drivers Interactions) at IFSTTAR, an internationally renowned research laboratory in the field of road safety, advanced driving assistance systems and autonomous vehicle.


From 2001 to 2006 I have been leading the national LAVIA project, a major project in the field of road safety which aimed to assess the usage and impact of an Intelligent Speed Adaptation driving assistance system.


My experience is also internationally recognized and I currently coordinate the international technical committee "Road Network Operations and ITS" (60 members worldwide) of the World Road Association (PIARC).


To acknowledge of all my action in the field of road safety, I have been awarded in 2011 with the "Grand Prix of the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences".


My experience is the guarantee of a high quality training in areas where I am recognized as an expert.

All the proposed trainings  benefit of the experience that I have got during the many years I taught at Télécom Paris (formerly National School of Telecommunications), at the National School of Bridges and Roads (ENPC) and the University of Evry Val d'Essonne (UEVE).




Research Entrepreneur

Head of d’JET Conseil Formation Projets


They trust me


Univ Eiffel (Gustave Eiffel University)

Definition of the MobiSAT scientific project whose objective is to create on a former military wasteland (called "Hall A") of about 2 ha, a space for teaching, research and experimentation in the field of Science, Innovation and Society dedicated to the energies and mobilities of the future.

High End Foreign Expert

Tongji University - School of Transportation

Shanghai - China

(since 2016)


​Chair of Technical Committee

"Road Network Operation and ITS" at

World Road Association - PIARC

(since 2012)

Recent interventions

More on this link



PhD in Electronics and Telecommunication

Experience and skills

More on this link


Flagship facts

Head of LAVIA project (20016-2006) ; the 1st large scale

French Field Operational Test (FOT).

 Monr information on this link.



Grand Prix de l’Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques (2011)



Gliding (Flying Instructor and Examinator),
Diving (Instructor), Ski, Trekking

Electronics and computer sciences.

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